The Mayoral Candidate Fighting for Inclusion of All People
A story about and interview with three-time mayoral candidate Ellen Zhou. Learn about what she's been through in her fight to restore righteousness to San Francisco government.
One bright, sunny morning, you’re sitting, relaxing, enjoying the view, proud of the work you’ve done as supervisor and will continue to do as mayor.
A 15-year city social worker from the Department of Public Health, whose name you’ve never heard of before, has entered the race. “I wonder who that is.”
Slowly and surely, you get to know her. She’s too hard to ignore. You end up sitting next to her at the Commonwealth Club’s mayoral debate. She speaks with authority, as if she knows where the bodies are buried. It’s scary.1 Still, no matter. Your election is secure. Besides, there’s another Chinese woman running, and she can speak better English.
The election is held, the results come in, and you win.2 As expected.
Another mayoral election is held the following year. You have to seek re-election, and that woman runs again. This time, she puts up a billboard accusing you of being involved in local slavery and human trafficking.
“Oh fuck.”
Lucky for you, the oldest trick in the book still works in San Francisco. You call upon your lackeys to band together against this intolerable injustice against you. You then force the billboard company to take it, and all of her other billboards down. Phew. Crisis averted. What a day.
With her campaign sabotaged, and the machine’s solid support, you coast to another victory.3
Two years into your term, a very unique opportunity arises. You get the ability to fire anyone who does not receive the approved COVID-19 vaccination,4 and it just so happens that Ellen is one of those crazy conspiracy theorists who refuses to take it. Sweet! She even helps educate her colleagues about informed consent, which can further be turned against her for failing to keep people safe. Grounds for suspension.
Soon after, you fire her. Along with everyone else who was courageous enough to reject on the shot. But won’t this illegal act come back to bite you? Nah, the sheriff, city attorney, and district attorney support the policy too.
All is well in London Town.5
Full Interview with Ellen Zhou
Ellen’s Website:
Executive Summary
Born and raised as a farmer in China. In San Francisco at this time by act of providence. Her mother almost drowned her because she was born a girl, saved by her neighbor's intervention. She believes 2023 is a jubilee year for San Francisco. Her purpose right now is to honor God, share the gospel, and let people know that there is a God who loves you.
Ellen was one of the first to be told to isolate at home having been in close contact with someone who tested positive. She was having head-fear about what was going on. Now we know that the lockdowns were by design.
If Ellen got sick as a kid, a "barefoot" doctor would stop by, check up on her, give her a pill or a shot, and she'd heal. There were no hospitals. People grew up "naturally." Her employer, SF Public Health, had a treatment consent guideline: you cannot force anyone to accept any treatment just because you think it's good. She later found out the requirement to get the injection was illegal. She thought the injections were safe when they came out, but later saw that it was a bioweapon.
Ellen saw herself as healthy, and the virus as not very dangerous. She saw no need to get the injection. She was abruptly cut off from her work, put on administrative leave, then fired a year later.
Many people who worked alongside Ellen did not want to take the injection either, but they could not afford to lose their job because they had families to support and bills to pay. Many ended up taking it against their wishes. She wanted to help, so she became a pioneer in teaching people how to do exemptions, and helping to initiate a lawsuit to fight the illegal actions and evil activates of the city administration.
In life there are always good, bad, and evil people. Just because someone is in a position of authority, it doesn't mean that you do whatever they say.
Ellen attended 12 funerals in 2021, the youngest, a 27 year old young man whose employer required it of him, died 9 days after getting the injection. Another friend died within two weeks after a hospital visit where he got it on advice of the doctor. There was a lot of coercion and peer and family pressure to get it.
Ellen ran for mayor in 2019. She was asked to run because she knows about the corruption. She was not allowed to participate in many of the conversations candidates usually partake in. Because she's worked for the city government for so long, she knows what's wrong with it and what's going on. Her campaign was heavily opposed, suppressed, and given an unusually hard time.
Today, Ellen still does not have a job. When she got fired, she got a letter she was qualified for other jobs. She applied and interviewed for many positions, but received no offers. Even three years after the lockdown, the City still has an injection requirement for employment. Because of that, and, she believes, because she was so outspoken about the illegal mandates, they won't hire her.
Ellen recently learned that prior to 1913, there was no income tax. The current American tax system is a slave system.6
When Ellen first came to America, she thought the large percentage of people who dropped out of free high school were really stupid. Later, she changed her mind. They were actually smart because they go on welfare and live for free, while the people that got an education and work in order to live are forced to pay taxes to support the other people. The dropouts were the smart ones.
San Francisco has a lot of problems, and it's getting worse. People and businesses are leaving. City revenues are decreasing. The government is extremely corrupt. Are you enjoying it, ignoring it, or just choosing not to face it? Ellen says you need to pray, tell your supervisor what to do, and if they don't do it, gather some people and do it yourself. Attend public meetings. Make comments. Create a record.
If you know something is wrong and want to change it, learn common law. Run for office. We can take the city back together, one at a time. Pray. Prayer changes the atmosphere and invites God to help us with what to do.
We are at a turning point. Ellen believes God will not let it happen, and that enough people realize that were are now at a crossroads.
You have to wake up.
Visit Ellen’s Website:
Read Ellen’s vision for San Francisco:
Have you ever been talking with someone, or in a room full of people, and you scratch your head, and someone else scratches their head at the same time? Or you straighten your posture, and the person sitting next to you straightens up too? What is that called? Why does that happen?
"Mirroring can also be used as a method of manipulation. As an illustration of the latter, mirroring is a technique often used by salespeople or public relations experts, or by others who are trying to persuade someone to join or support their cause. It can be used by false friends motivated by purely selfish desires, as a way to convince someone to do something that is actually against their best interests."
Watch carefully what happens a few seconds after London stops talking.
I thought that was very interesting.
Deep down, I think people who [(un)consciously] do wrong in the name of good know it, and it shows.
Injection, technically, as the definition for “vaccine” was changed in 2021.
Note: This story is completely made up. I am not London Breed, and have no ability to know what’s going on in her personal, private life. View this work as fiction.
Note: I thought the same thing, but recently learned that our income tax system dates back to 1861. I corrected this and provided detail on this in a previous post on US Code Title 26:
❤️ A real, rational human being. ❤️