Herein: a proposal inline with Trump Agenda47. Enjoy! Updated Jan 9, 20251
A New Monument for a New Republic
“America owes its present greatness to its past sacrifices. Because the past is always at risk of being forgotten, monuments will always be needed to honor those who came before. These monuments express our noblest ideals: respect for our ancestors, love of freedom, and striving for a more perfect union. In preserving them, we show reverence for our past, we dignify our present, and we inspire those who are to come. To build a monument is to ratify our shared national project.” —Donald John Trump, 3 July 2021
Therefore, I propose a monument honoring the Second American Revolution in form of a triumphal arch. This proposal falls under President Trump’s Agenda47 plan to rebuild America, specifically Executive Orders 13967 Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture and 13934 Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes. The heroes to be depicted in bronze and marble will be those brave patriots who stood in defiance of the coup d'état on 6 January 2021. This date was effectively the end of the First Republic and beginning of the Second American Revolution. The J6 political prisoners made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation.2
Its civic function shall be to re-moralize a demoralized nation. In an age when art is smashed, history erased, and vulgar architecture proliferates across the nation, the arch will be an eternal source for weary citizens to refresh their spirit. To this end, it is large. A monument so large that it cannot be toppled. In response to the fiery destruction of the 2020 communist insurgency, the monument’s detailing symbolically depicts fire as a creative force. Here, it is the Promethean Fire of inner-life which powers ‘the motor of the world.’ Inscriptions paraphrased from John Galt’s iconic final speech in Atlas Shrugged form a specific trance induction to repel demoralization
A Description of the Monument
Golden Gate Park is the cherished centerpiece of San Francisco, with significant historical, cultural, and natural value. A linear greenway, the park panhandle, extends the park deep into the city center, and is a defining feature of the Haight and NOPA neighborhoods.
Currently, the park panhandle terminates abruptly into a parking lot.
The Grand Manner of of baroque city planning calls for the axis of the panhandle to terminate into a monument to mark a dignified transition between city and park. The entire block opposite the park panhandle will be transformed into gateway plaza at the base of the proposed triumphal arch. The plaza will be a unified design consisting of the triumphal arch, minor monuments, kiosks, and palm allees. This plaza shall be named Rittenhouse Square in honor of Kyle Rittenhouse, a brave patriot who fought in a militia unit defending Kenosha from a violent communist insurgency during the summer of 2020.
The triumphal arch itself is crowned with a very unique quadriga. This sculpture is a full relief bronze of Mt. Rushmore, with the addition of President Trump as the fifth head. The multiple heads of this sculpture evoke the strong forward projecting directionality of traditional quadriga and connote the same idea: Victory! Specifically, it celebrates the victory of We the People over the perfidious tyranny of lawless rouge intelligence agencies. On the obverse side a large inscription on the attic is a memorium for the First American Republic (1776-2021).
Building the Monument
This monument can be built with enough interest and consensus. It can be funded as a public works project employing hundreds and spending money into the economy to cancel out inflation with productive value. The rebuilding of a true productive economy is the very heart of Agenda47.
Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it.
The Professor previously wrote a guest post, which you can read here:
The Fugal Moment of Architecture and Science
My introduction to the update:
The Professor has provided an update to his monumental plan dedicated to remembering the First American Republic.
We the People lost the republic. No doubt about it. We forgot how to play the game. Yet, we were given, by patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice, many of which whose names we’ll never know, another chance at the Great American Experiment; to “decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.”
Benjamin Franklin remarked that our Republic is ours if we can keep it.
We the People are learning. The 2020 election certification was one of many happenings that proved what I, and many others, had come to understand for a long time.
In this post, there are a couple points within that I personally disagree with.
But Arjun, why publish stuff you disagree with?
Conversations need to be had.
As I watch the MAGA movement grow and mature, I notice things that, if left unaddressed, will subvert it into becoming the very thing it is fighting against, much like how the anti-war liberal summer of love hippies of the 1960s and 70s turned into hysterical anti-American warmongering maniacs calling for the destruction of some of our closest allies. The last time I was out tabling, a man who grew up under Soviet Rule told me he wanted present day Russia wiped off the face of the earth.
The movement is now primarily concerned with winning the November election. I take no issue with that. As I mentioned previously, the choice is simpler that it's ever been, and as we should all now understand, this is not just another 4-year election. Winning the election is yet another starting point. Employing apparently compromising tactics to get more votes is part of today’s politics. Deception and misdirection are necessary.* However, We cannot fall into the trap of becoming a blind hivemind, no matter how small or inconsequential the topic we don’t want to bring up at this time may seem.
All tumors start small.
With that in mind, the above proposal from the Professor is a great foundational idea and would tremendously uplift and benefit the community. It is worth noting that the proposed location is the current site of the DMV and its massive parking lot. The removal of this structure is, in my opinion, a welcome change to make way for a beautiful public park, memorial zone, and much improved terrain for the Sunday farmer’s market.
* “Somebody with strong views, with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular, which may be right, but may be unpopular, wouldn’t necessarily have a chance of getting elected against somebody with no great brain but a big smile, and that’s a sad commentary for the political process.”
“Abraham Lincoln would probably not be electable today. He was not a handsome man and he did not smile at all.
Love the idea. Especially beautifying that area and the fire element . For the triumphal arch sculpture , would choose a couple of different presidents. And/or have a sculpture honoring some fairly unknown local patriot heroes who gave their all for our nation. : David Broderick, Edward Baker, & Thomas Starr King who I learned about in Andrea Ingraham’s fantastic book, The Lincoln Revolution in California. Could inspire curiosity in that local bit of history.
Also enjoyed the video clip with Trump.
Thanks !